Spiral Boosts Summer of Bitcoin Coding Program with New Grant

Spiral continues its support for the Summer of Bitcoin program, fostering young talent in the bitcoin open-source community.
Spiral Boosts Summer of Bitcoin Coding Program with New Grant
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Key Takeaways

  • Spiral has renewed its grant to support the Summer of Bitcoin program.
  • The program educates university students on bitcoin development, offering valuable resources and mentorship.
  • Successful interns may receive future career opportunities in leading bitcoin companies.

Spiral, a key supporter of the bitcoin community, has renewed its grant for the Summer of Bitcoin.

This global internship program aims to develop young talent in Bitcoin’s open-source sectors.

Focused on future Bitcoin innovators

The program targets university students, offering them a deep dive into bitcoin development and design.

Participants gain access to expert mentorship and a wealth of resources to enhance their understanding and contributions to bitcoin projects.

Career opportunities in Bitcoin

According to Spiral’s latest announcement, interns contribute to bitcoin projects and may even mentor new participants.

Notably, the program offers a bitcoin stipend and can lead to further opportunities, including potential full-time positions within prestigious bitcoin companies.

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