RNC Endorses Pro-Bitcoin Platform in Draft

A Republican National Committee panel has endorsed a 2024 party platform draft supporting Bitcoin and opposing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
RNC Endorses Pro-Bitcoin Platform in Draft
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Key Takeaways

  • The Republican National Committee endorses a pro-Bitcoin platform.
  • The draft opposes the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
  • Donald Trump vows to make the future of Bitcoin in the USA.

A Republican National Committee panel has endorsed a 2024 party platform draft that strongly supports Bitcoin.

The draft includes a commitment to defending the right to mine Bitcoin and ensuring that all Americans have the right to self-custody their digital assets and transact without government surveillance. It also promises to end what it describes as the Democrats’ “unlawful and unAmerican Crypto crackdown” and opposes the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

The platform committee overwhelmingly approved the new draft, and it will face a final vote on Tuesday.

This move highlights the Republican party’s clear stance in favor of Bitcoin and its innovation, contrasting sharply with the Biden Administration’s and Democrats’ current approach. The draft aligns with the broader trend of Bitcoin adoption and support among various Republican politicians.

In May, Donald Trump declared,

I will ensure that the future of crypto and Bitcoin will be made in the USA.

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