Elon Musk Denies Bloomberg Report That He Consulted Trump About Bitcoin

Elon Musk has denied reports of advising Donald Trump on Bitcoin policy, despite claims of their discussions on cryptocurrency.
Elon Musk Denies Bloomberg Report That He Consulted Trump About Bitcoin
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Key Takeaways

  • Musk denies discussing Bitcoin policy with Trump.
  • Trump pledges support for Bitcoin innovation in the U.S.
  • Trump vows to commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence if elected.

Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump are reportedly in talks about cryptocurrency policy, according to Bloomberg. Sources suggest Trump views Bitcoin and other digital assets as a means to attract new voters.

Trump has recently voiced strong support for Bitcoin, emphasizing American leadership in innovation.

Trump stated:

Our country must be the leader in the field. There is no second place.

Bloomger claims the discussions also include a potential advisory role for Musk if Trump wins a second term.

Additionally, Trump vowed to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, founder of Silk Road, stating:

He’s already served 11 years. We’re going to get him home.

Musk has denied the reports of meeting with Trump, tweeting:

Pretty sure I’ve never discussed crypto with Trump, although I am generally in favor of things that shift power from government to the people, which crypto can do.

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